Engaging students in Summer Sports math activities will be awesome this year! Your students will enjoy these games, puzzles, and activities. Each activity has a different Summer Sport focus with review of key math concepts. Let the fun begin!

1. Sports Addition and Subtraction
Students review how to problem solve to find the variables using only addition or subtraction. Students will have to use their inverse operations skills to solve for each sports variable. This is a fun way to get kids thinking about mental math and working backwards to solve a problem.

2. Summer Shopping
Many kids love to do some Summer shopping for accessories. To do different sports you need sunglasses, balls, rackets, and uniforms. Students will have to read about the pricey problems and find out how much each item costs to help the store manager mark all the items on sale.

3. Sports Survey
What’s your favorite sport? This is a fun class survey that everyone can participate in. Students will ask each other what their favorite is and display the results on a pictograph. Kids will have to gather the data on their own to create a class pictograph. This is a kid favorite!

Celebrate Sports with Your Students
There are many different ways to engage your students in Summer sports math activities . Have fun in your classroom this year with different activities to involve your students in math.
Download the Summer Sports Elementary Math Activities

Click HERE to download the Summer Sports Math Activities for Elementary today!