Some students will act with bad behaviors in your classroom. Be proactive to fix these bad student behaviors with the three c’s of classroom management. The 3 C strategies are connection, compassion, and consistency. Each strategy can help fix your students’ bad behavior and turn them into well behaved kids.

Wherever you are in your classroom management journey, it’s not too late to get students back on track. Let’s look at solution for fixing bad student behaviors in your classroom.
1. Create classroom connection.
Create a connection with your students. They need to have a “buy in” to your classroom management and you are the key to the “buy in”. If they have a connection with you as their teacher, they know that you support them and are there to help them.
So how do you create connection? Greet your students in the morning or at the beginning of the class period. Make sure you make eye contact as that is very important for personal connections to occur. Say their name and ask them how their day is going. Everyone wants to be known and recognized. Saying “Good Morning Sally!” Can brighten Sally’s day if no one else has said it to her. Some teachers shake hands, and others give high fives. Offer a high five or hand wave for a personal connection and greeting into your classroom.
Lastly, learn something about the kid that they like to do (example: baseball, band, swimming, biking, crafts, etc.). By doing this you are showing interest in the student and their importance to your classroom. You can also use this to include in math problems around that subject of baseball or band. Kids will appreciate it.

2. Teach with compassion.
Teaching with compassion is not always easy, but it’s necessary. When you teach with compassion your students will see that you want everyone to thrive and learn in your classroom which reinforces your connection to your students. Your students just want to be known and seen in your classroom. They are learning and growing with you and want your help even though they don’t always know how to show it. Model compassion to your students with your actions, and as a result students will be more open to understanding to others around them.

3. Be consistent with a plan.
Being consistent with your rules and consequences. Students respect teachers who have rules, are consistent with their rules and consequences for all students. They see you as a fair teacher that wants everyone to learn, behave, and be their best self.
Be Consistent with your rules and consequences. Consistency is SO IMPORTANT. Rules are good to have, but unless you are being consistent and enforcing them, they mean nothing. Create your rules for your classroom. When students don’t follow the rules give the proper consequences.
Rules are a way of saying NO. After you establish 5 or less basic rules in your classroom your students will know what your expectations are. Follow up your expectations with consequences. If you do x then you will get y consequence. Explain to your students that every bad behavior has a consequence.

Fixing Bad Behavior
The good news is there is a fix for bad behavior. Create connections with your students, teach with compassion, and be consistent with a classroom management plan. Your students will enjoy your class, room, and you more if you’re consistent with all three.

Get the Good Behavior Toolkit
You deserve to have all the right tools for classroom management. Stop bad behaviors with the Good Behavior Toolkit. Included is a proven plan for gaining control of your classroom, creating student connections, tracking student incidents, techniques to teach students how to behave at school, and much more. Get the Good Behavior Toolkit today!