Do you have students that are misbehaving, being disrespectful, or abusing the rules? No more. Let’s look at 5 rules every math class should have to keep your students on track and behaving this year.

These five rules are recommendations for any classroom management plan. Reflect upon your own classroom rules and decide what would help your students. Could changing one of your rules elevate your students’ success? Let’s take a look.
- Be On Time
Students should be on time to class. This helps set them up for success with the other four classroom rules. Being on time is respectful to the teacher and other students. You’re not only valuing your time, but others around you. Teaching timeliness is a good rule to have.

- Be Prepared
Every student should come to school prepared to learn. Students come from different households and backgrounds, but it’s important to be ready for their job as a student. Learning will not happen if students are not prepared for it. Help your students make it a habit to come prepared to school every day.

- Be Respectful
Being a good student includes being respectful of everyone at school. This includes the teacher, principal, school staff, and classmates. When students are kind and courteous to others showing respect it will help with everyone’s learning process.

- Be Seated
There is a right time and place for everything. Students need to be mindful of the classroom space. Sometimes it’s appropriate to be out of their seat for an activity, and other times it’s appropriate to be seated. This rule may sound rigid, but it’s for safety and personal reasons for students to stay in their seat.

- Be Quiet
Classroom noise does not have to be an issue. You can set the tone for the appropriate amount of volume. Being quiet is relative to the teacher’s noise volume. Students can talk using their indoor voices when it’s appropriate. Being quiet is relative to the teacher’s directions and activity happening in the classroom.

Rules You Can Keep
It’s important to make a list of rules 5 or less that you can keep, be consistent with, and hold students accountable to. If you’re not sure that you can do that, re-evaluate your list of rules. It’s key to make sure your rules are fair and consistent for your classroom.
The Good Behavior Toolkit
Ready to implement your rules and have your students start behaving? The Good Behavior Toolkit is the fastest way to implement your rules, procedures, and consequences into your classroom. Be ready this school year with the best classroom management tool, The Good Behavior Toolkit. Get yours today!